A word from God's Word

Sunday, February 4, 2007

How many ways do I love me?

Doesn't that sound selfish? As a mom and wife and Christian sometimes we don't want to think that way: loving ourselves or counting ways to love me, but we need to. I love FlyLady (click on my link to read more) and right now, with it being the month of love, she is giving subscribers good things to do for ourselves. Like, going to bed early so we can feel better, or eating well and exercise. I mean after all don't we give our children a bedtime and good meals and make sure they get out often...why shouldn't we do that for ourselves (again, not an original thought, but from FlyLady)? So in the spirit of the month, let's remember to take time out for ourselves, but also to do things a little bit each day to show ourselves we love ourselves. After all, God did not make junk! I love you all!


Carri said...

great points, al. as moms we tend to stretch ourselves to the limit and put our needs last. i feel guilty sometimes if i think of myself first! this is great encouragement, thank u.

Leanne said...

Good reminders!!!

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