I so wanted to keep up with my blog better, but golly it is so hard! We were able to get a discount on AT&T and have IPhones, so I check my email from there, so I am not on my laptop as much, but I am going to keep trying to blog more and more!
Well the past two weeks we have had some huge changes in our lives. First my "baby" started Kindgergarten this month! I cannot believe it! It seems like just yesterday that he was Matthew's age, he was a little baby and it was just the two of us. Now he is off and gone from me more than he is with me! We love the school district we are in and feel very good about his teacher and the kids in his room. Andrew and I both had to trust God this year, because his two best friends (and who's moms I became close to) were in the same class. Come to find out two of his other classmates and a friend from church were all in that class as well. The first day he said, why can't I be in that other class. I told him that we prayed for his teacher and this is the teacher that the Lord wanted us to have. (That was really said for my own benefit, because I was wondering the same thing :) ) Precious boy said, well mom why couldn't you pray that I was given that teacher. Hard lessons learned early. But all that aside, he really loves school, loves his teacher and is meeting new friends already. The biggest thing of all was him taking the bus home! Wow! He begged and begged to ride it since LAST year, so I finally let him. He has friends on our street that ride it as well, he doesn't have to cross the street and loves it! This momma was a nervous wreck all day, but God is with him and I do have to say that not waking my little two up to pick up is nice...:) So here are some pics of my baby all grown up getting ready to go to Kindergarten..

Well not only is Andrew starting school, but so is Kaitlyn. She is going to Bloom which is our Weekday Preschool at church. She is going on Thursdays, and then after Labor Day she will start going to BSF and MOPS. I am so excited for her to hear about God's Word over and over again. She is a beautiful ray of sunshine and we have already enjoyed some one-on-one time. Precious girl has never had just me before, so we are taking advantage of it when Matthew is asleep and in the afternoons. Here is my little lady bug on her first day of school:

Little Matthew was sixth months this past week! He is getting so big! He rolls everywhere, grabs everything and is using his arms to around in a circle and putting everything in his mouth. He has tried everything, all vegetables and fruits and cereal. He is sleeping through the nights, and loves his Johnny Jump Up! He jumps and jumps and jumps. The older two love to watch him and jump with him! He is laughing and smiling and is a delight! Here is a pic of him

Well hopefully this is just the start of my consistent blogging. Have a wonderfully blessed day, and may God shine is light upon you!
1 comment:
I just saw your sweet note! Thank you so much. As I'm sure you understand, losing my MIL completely changed our world. Every day gets easier, except for when one of them is hard, which sounds so confusing, but it's the only way I can explain it! Hope the first week of school has gone well for you!!
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