Fast forward 14 months. Here I am with three kids...and I am surviving. Not only that, but I am learning about God's love for me through my precious Matthew. He is an absolute delight. He is my daily reminder that I am not in control, and that when I am mad because my plan doesn't work out, He has a better more perfect plan. I cannot imagine my life without my precious boy. He has added so much to our life. Here is the thing, I haven't done it on my own. Not for a second. God through the Holy Spirit has guided me through times when all three were crying , when the laundry was getting ready to devour me, the toys were all over the place and the walls were crowding in...He has guided me. I have had to lean on him more and more...and I wouldn't if I didn't have my boy. Thank you God for my blessing, for knowing me better than I know myself, for knowing that I wanted this child even when I didn't think I did, and blessing my life with him!
Matthew Aaron is five months old, 26 in long now and 14 pounds. He is starting cereal, and soon baby food. He is so smiley, and so laid back, he can go anywhere! Unfortunately he has already had two ear infections, so I have a weird feeling that Dr. Hall is going to get to see all three of my kids! Again, he is such a blessing....I love him so much!
It's the prayer never prayed, huh? He is so cute!! Oh, and after you survive the third baby, baby's #4 and on are EASY! :) Just sayin.
i love this post!!! so great! he is such a sweet baby :) and he looks like a mini-andrew :)
My friend and I were just talking about that the other day...that having multiple children does push you closer to God simply because you know you cannot do it on your own account. WHen you have one, and maybe just don't run to Him as much because you've got things under control, so you think. It's wonderful how children are not only a blessing but they constantly show you how much you need a Savior or you'll really screw them up! Ha! Love you friend. So, so very proud of you! What a beautiful family you have!
He is a pumpkin! I love hearing about your family!
Love you guys....
Here from Jenna's! Love this post and your blog!
I'm over from Jenna's blog hop! Your son is so precious! We can't wait to have one (or two or three) of our own!
I found your blog through the blog hop.. I to am a BIG PLANNER. The hubs and I have been praying a lot and hope to start a family of our own.. GOD willing!
thanks for sharing
cortney @ runningcarlson
Such cute baby pictures! I'm still waiting for the day I can post my baby's photos!
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