Housecleaning, not my strength. I mean I love to be organized, almost obsessively so, but for awhile I got so caught up in my house having to be perfect and that if it wasn't I was bad wife and mother. So I am working on having an attitude that I want to clean to serve my family, not to have a clean house out of obligation or proving to my family that I am good wife and mom. Now getting the motivation to want to clean. Let's face it, cleaning is not fun. I would much rather play on the computer, watch a DVR'd show, take a nap, etc. But, this is my season in life right now, this is what the Lord has for me and I need to have better attitude about it. I mean do I want to live in filth, no, but I would much rather someone else do it! (Sorry just being honest! :) ) So I was so excited to see
Sarah Mae's new e-book out. I found her a couple of weeks ago and she is a very talented writer and has a heart for the Lord. I have read and followed many cleaning books, but this book not only deals with the house, but with the heart as well. And she is a mother of preschoolers and so she knows where we are in life! Most books out there just tell you how to do it, and not your attitude towards it or how to in spite of having 2 under 2! What is the book you ask, so glad you did! Here it is! Click on the picture and will take you to a link to the website.

I am very excited about it and will post about it in the future! Happy Cleaning with a servant's heart!
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! Hope you have a great week.
Stopping from Jenna's Journey! I so need fo work on being a more active housekeeper. said it! I love being organized and I usually thrive on it. But when it comes to cleaning up after a messy Hubby and 4 kids, I'm exhausted! But I'm so much happier living in a clean house! Now you've got me feeling guilty! I need to quit commenting on all these blogs from Jenna's challenge and starting running the vacuum cleaner! Have a great day!!!
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