TGIF never meant more to me before as it did this week! Really through it all I never thought of this as a long week, but when I looked back on it, it was a long week, but a week for God to continue to show is never-ending faithfulness.
Sunday started out great, got to go the grocery store by myself, no husband, no kids...YEAH!! I never realized how calmer and faster it is by myself! Then the next day I go to lunch and realize my check card is not where I put way...could I have lost it, or was it stolen. After searching my house I did not find it, so called and cancelled it. After checking to see if any charges had been made and there were none, I was thinking this was the end...not close. That night I came home from a Bible Study and David tells me there were charges. Sunglass Palace, Chick Fil A, Quickie Mart (for 400 dollars), other Quickie Marts, O'Reilly' have got to be kidding me!!!!! We called BOK and found out we were not liable, thank you Lord. But SERIOUSLY! Who thinks it is ok to take a card and use it, to fix their car, at the mall, and tobacco...what gives them the right! I have been so mad, felt so used and so bitter. Especially when later in the week we found more charges!! This is hard earned money, how dare you think you can get a new pair of sunglasses with OUR HARD EARNED MONEY! I would love to have a new pair of sunglasses from there. We have to fix our car, but are we going to use someone else's we are going to pay for it, what gives them the right to use mine! So this has been going through my mind, especially when on Thursday I had to file a police report in Glenpool...I have never been in a police department, filed a police report, but here I was filing one because someone stole my card. (Which by the way we figured it was snatched from my purse when I wasn't looking because I had used it to buy a drink and didn't put it back, but put it on top when I wasn't looking. When I made the report, people were in custody and being questioned from stealing credit/debit cards, so I feel like it was stolen). But then I started thinking....these people need my prayers, not my anger. I could be bitter and mad, but where is that going to get me, no where. So please pray for the people who stole my card, that God would show Himself to them, and that they get caught so they can stop doing what they are doing and turn their life around.
So there was one thing going on, the other was Andrew. Monday was Andrew's first swimming lesson, by the sounds of him you would have thought that I was putting him in a torture chamber! He would only do something if they forced him. Great! So I thought Tuesday would be better, since we talked it up, we prayed we sang songs about always having God with us, that he went underwater that there was nothing to be afraid of. No, Tuesday was no better. He wanted goggles, so he borrowed some from there, but afterwards I realized that water kept getting in them, so Tuesday I went to Walmart and bought him some goggles. Well, I was up all night Tuesday night (more on that later) and just prayed to God, please let me know I am doing the right thing, please be with Andrew, he is in your palm of your hand. I want him to enjoy this, please. Well I got to the lessons and for some reason I just have this peace that everything is going to go great! And it DID! He listened, he went under water on his own, he did great! They wanted everyone to go off the diving board and he did cry on his way, but someone dropped him in off the board and then that is all he talked about! Then today when they went off, he went off all BY HIMSELF!! God is so good! And as he was working so hard, he had this smile on his face like, I did it, it made me cry! Yeah!
Now, Kaitlyn (yes I am not done). Through all of this she has a had a runny nose I thought was from teething, well after being up all night from coughing on Tuesday night, I took her to the doctor Wednesday....ear infection...tubes! Oh glory! Seriously! This is the exact age we took Andrew, so I am not surprised, just hoping we were not going to have to go down this road with her. But we I will keep you posted!
Well, that is all, except for the "have to go to the bathroom now or I am not going to make it" situation I had at the splash pad in Jenks and had to leave my kids with a really nice lady I didn't know!
I am just waiting for the locusts now!
But through it all, God has been faithful: Andrew loves his lessons and begs to go back, we don't have to pay for anything, and maybe now Miss Kaitlyn will walk and not get sick anymore. So even though I couldn't wait for today, God was there through it all and met our every need, even in bad situations! Praise God through whom all blessings flow!
Love to you all!
wow, what a week is right!! that's crazy. so glad it is all turning out for the good. we're out of town right now, we'll catch up sometime when we get back!!! love you!
I wish I had read this earlier. I had no idea it had been such a crazy week when I saw you this morning. IT was so good to talk with you. I will pray that this week is better.
Love ya!
Wow, what a crazy week! You are lucky you are not liable for the charges run up by whoever stole your card!
Oh girl, I'm sooooo sorry about the debit card. That happened to me, but they took my whole wallet! They left Promenade Mall & went to Woodland Hills and had a great shopping outing! It really makes me mad now that you can swipe your card and the clerks don't even look at it or you!
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