I love this photo, Kaitlyn was less than an hour old..look at those cheeks! When I first looked at her, I thought..didn't I do give birth to this baby before?! Kaitlyn looked exactly like her brother, in fact our peditrician always comments how they look alike. This was a wonderful moment, a moment I will remember forever, the moment I looked into my daughter's eyes and knew we would have such a special mother/daughter relationship. I had always wanted a girl, to dress up, to love, to talk with, and I got her. I look at her every day and can't believe she is mine. I am so glad to be a mommy of a girl! I love this girl, in fact in a couple of weeks I get to post about my nine month old. I had to take her into the doctor b/c she had some pimples and I wanted the Dr. to look at it, and she weighed 18 pounds already. How time flies!
Okay, now I am to tag four friends. I tag Molly, Leanne, Krystal and Carri. Remember, go to your fourth folder and choose your fourth folder. Love to you all!!!
Too fun! Thanks for tagging me.
Oh thanks for the tag! When I saw this I secretly (now not so secret) hoped you would. What a fun game! Love the picture and love your family! I can't believe she is already 18 lbs!
Not weird at all! I actually looked through Jenna's post and went to comment that was written by the lady who made the link and got if from her page...I will do some digging and find it for you, just give me a bit!
Okay it isn't letting me cut and paste the button link into the comment box...go to the post on Jenna's page that has the button and scroll through the comments. DOes that help>? If not, email me karadreid@yahoo.com
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