A word from God's Word
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Well, I made it my first full year without my best friend. I did it totally with God's strength. I could not have gotten out of bed on some days without Him. But here I am, the first full year behind me and I am proud of myself. Now this isn't something I want to be excited about, because I wish with all my heart I didn't have to go through it. But at the same time I know I can trust God to take care of me, I can trust Him when everything insides me tells me not to, I can love God and worship God when the world is crashing down around me, and where I have come, that is saying a lot. There was a time I ran from God, said I could not trust Him, and now at my weakest, I trust Him now more than ever. Do I have my bad days, yes! Will I have my bad days? Yes. But I know I can get through it, I can survive, it won't consume me and this coming year I will come out praising our Savior!
This year Andrew will turn 6, Kaitlyn will turn 2 and I will have a little one sleeping in our room. What a year! What a year full of hope, love and peace.
Happy New Year to you, to your family and God bless you all!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Silver Dollar City lights
A funny story, during the light parade they have characters come up to you, and Frosty came up to us and Andrew goes, there is a song about you! It was so cute! I love the innocence of youth!
Hope you enjoy the pics!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Monday, November 30, 2009
One day I was sitting in my car really feeling low when I heard this song come on the radio, and it spoke to me like never before. I have met Josh, for he married our pastor's daughter, but this really spoke to me that day in the car, and I continue to listen to it, draw from it's truths and draw from the verse:
Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you, for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you...Jer 29:11
Here are the words:
Savior, please take my hand
I work so hard, I live so fast
This life begins, and then it ends
And I do the best that I can, but I don't know how long I'll last
I try to be so tough
But I'm just not strong enough
I can't do this alone, God I need You to hold on to me
I try to be good enough
But I'm nothing without Your love
Savior, please keep saving me
Savior, please help me stand
I fall so hard, I fade so fast
Will You begin right where I end
And be the God of all I am because You're all I have
Everything You are to me
Is everything I'll ever need
And I am learning to believe
That I don't have to prove a thing
'Cause You're the one who's saving me
Have an amazing day, and continue to draw from His strength!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Camping with friends
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
We were able to get away with some friends at Mal Var in Gore, OK. We made some wonderful memories and had TONS of fun! Thanks Shonda, Clay and Quinn for being such good bunk mates!!
Hope you are all doing well...we go in Tuesday for our BIG ultrasound, pray for a success and Baby boy is doing well! I will keep you updated!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Finally Cooperated!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Well...it happened

Sunday, July 12, 2009
"Blogger official"

Monday, June 29, 2009
My Little Swimmer
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Friday, June 19, 2009
What a week!
Sunday started out great, got to go the grocery store by myself, no husband, no kids...YEAH!! I never realized how calmer and faster it is by myself! Then the next day I go to lunch and realize my check card is not where I put it...no way...could I have lost it, or was it stolen. After searching my house I did not find it, so called and cancelled it. After checking to see if any charges had been made and there were none, I was thinking this was the end...not close. That night I came home from a Bible Study and David tells me there were charges. Sunglass Palace, Chick Fil A, Quickie Mart (for 400 dollars), other Quickie Marts, O'Reilly's....you have got to be kidding me!!!!! We called BOK and found out we were not liable, thank you Lord. But SERIOUSLY! Who thinks it is ok to take a card and use it, to fix their car, at the mall, and tobacco...what gives them the right! I have been so mad, felt so used and so bitter. Especially when later in the week we found more charges!! This is hard earned money, how dare you think you can get a new pair of sunglasses with OUR HARD EARNED MONEY! I would love to have a new pair of sunglasses from there. We have to fix our car, but are we going to use someone else's card...no we are going to pay for it, what gives them the right to use mine! So this has been going through my mind, especially when on Thursday I had to file a police report in Glenpool...I have never been in a police department, filed a police report, but here I was filing one because someone stole my card. (Which by the way we figured it was snatched from my purse when I wasn't looking because I had used it to buy a drink and didn't put it back, but put it on top when I wasn't looking. When I made the report, people were in custody and being questioned from stealing credit/debit cards, so I feel like it was stolen). But then I started thinking....these people need my prayers, not my anger. I could be bitter and mad, but where is that going to get me, no where. So please pray for the people who stole my card, that God would show Himself to them, and that they get caught so they can stop doing what they are doing and turn their life around.
So there was one thing going on, the other was Andrew. Monday was Andrew's first swimming lesson, by the sounds of him you would have thought that I was putting him in a torture chamber! He would only do something if they forced him. Great! So I thought Tuesday would be better, since we talked it up, we prayed we sang songs about always having God with us, that he went underwater that there was nothing to be afraid of. No, Tuesday was no better. He wanted goggles, so he borrowed some from there, but afterwards I realized that water kept getting in them, so Tuesday I went to Walmart and bought him some goggles. Well, I was up all night Tuesday night (more on that later) and just prayed to God, please let me know I am doing the right thing, please be with Andrew, he is in your palm of your hand. I want him to enjoy this, please. Well I got to the lessons and for some reason I just have this peace that everything is going to go great! And it DID! He listened, he went under water on his own, he did great! They wanted everyone to go off the diving board and he did cry on his way, but someone dropped him in off the board and then that is all he talked about! Then today when they went off, he went off all BY HIMSELF!! God is so good! And as he was working so hard, he had this smile on his face like, I did it, it made me cry! Yeah!
Now, Kaitlyn (yes I am not done). Through all of this she has a had a runny nose I thought was from teething, well after being up all night from coughing on Tuesday night, I took her to the doctor Wednesday....ear infection...tubes! Oh glory! Seriously! This is the exact age we took Andrew, so I am not surprised, just hoping we were not going to have to go down this road with her. But we are...so I will keep you posted!
Well, that is all, except for the "have to go to the bathroom now or I am not going to make it" situation I had at the splash pad in Jenks and had to leave my kids with a really nice lady I didn't know!
I am just waiting for the locusts now!
But through it all, God has been faithful: Andrew loves his lessons and begs to go back, we don't have to pay for anything, and maybe now Miss Kaitlyn will walk and not get sick anymore. So even though I couldn't wait for today, God was there through it all and met our every need, even in bad situations! Praise God through whom all blessings flow!
Love to you all!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Our trip to Sea World San Antonio
We left at 8:00 on Tuesday morning and arrived in TX at 8:30. We made a lot of stops and let the kids play whenever we stopped so they could get "ants out of their pants". Our hotel had a King size bed and then a seperate room with a pull out couch. Our room had her pack in play, a fridge and microwave in it as well. Andrew loved it, but being on the fourth floor we had to keep telling him not to stomp!
We then woke up bright and early, ate breakfast downstairs in the lobby that consisted of waffles, danish, juice, and many other yummy things! We went to Sea World our first day, fed the dolphins, saw the falmingos and then off to Shamu. It was awesome, I mean the way the people interacted with them, everything was breathtaking. You do a little shout out of Shamu, Shamu...so that was said by Andrew throughout the entire trip. Andrew loved it and could not believe how big he was and Kaitlyn squealed and clapped everytime he jumped up! Then we ate lunch, walked around some more and saw the SeaLion/Seal show. That was Andrew's favorite because there was a story plot and the seals were really funny. We went "home" for the day, but not without a stop to Walmart..don't think I have been a vacation yet where Walmart was not part of the equation! We ate dinner at the riverwalk and walked around the mall, then went to the hotel for bed!
Next morning started out the same, and went and fed the dolphins again and saw the sharks...holy cow! The tank was massive, 300,000 gallons with salt water fish all in it...the lady there said every kid walked up going look there is Dorie and Nemo...I don't think kids Andrew generation will ever know the real names of the fish, I think that they will forever be Nemo and Dorie! We then went and saw the Dolphins, they had people diving from the top of the stadium, swinging, syncronized swimmers, and the whole time Dolphins jumping and swimming! It was a sight to see! Then we went to a water park they have there, and swam and played, Andrew never wanted to leave and I was glad to see Kaitlyn having fun in it, it was her first experience in something like that! Unfortunately we had to leave then, we stopped by the gift shop and bought a t-shirt and stuffed animal for each kid, and said goodbye to Sea World. We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to do something like that again!
The rest of our trip was even more fun, if it is possible, we met with family and saw Jordan graduate. I will post more on that later! Enjoy the pics and thanks for taking time to read about our trip!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Friday, May 22, 2009
Something ends, something begins...

3 1/2 (Aug. 2008)
On another note, thank you for your thoughts and prayers on Mother's Day, the actual day wasn't hard because I made it about me being a mom, but the week leading up to it was hard. I missed celebrating my mom on Earth, I missed buying her a card, I missed having a mom to celebrate Mother's Day for...but through the hurt and the sadness I still stand in God's love, His grace and His blessings for my life! Last Friday was six months and I want to thank you all for everything, for reading, for commenting, for being there for me before she passed, when she passed and after she went home. I couldn't have made it through these six months without your friendship, understanding and prayers. You are truly a blessing from our Father! Love to you all!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Kaitlyn Michelle turns one!
Her little bloomers were so cute, so had to get a pic of those!
Sunday then was the big day! It started out with her dedication at church! She was the belle of the ball! She was held and carried around by Pastor Hess as he explained the meaning of her name. I will post pics and details in a later post (thank you Sarah for taking those pics!). Here is a glimpse of her in her dress!
We then ate at Red Lobster with Grammy, Ponca, Papa, Allison, Daddy, Mommy and brother . Then we headed home for cake and presents. Words cannot describe how she attacked her cake! She got a Fisher Price doll house, a Dora ride on, some puzzles, clothes, a Fisher Price mailbox, and many more gifts..pink seriously exploded in our house! It was a precious day that I know that mom was smiling down on! We loved spending time with family and friends in honor of our precious angel!
Kaitlyn, you smile at everyone, laugh at some, especially your brother, you love dolls, and your sleep (better not interupt it). You favorite thing to do is open and shut things, you squeal with delight when the cat comes in the room, you LOVE to eat you have refused no food, you love your baths. There isn't much you don't like, but you don't like someone telling you no..in fact you act very indignant that someone would have the nerve to tell you that! You are a joy and a blessing, and I love waking up to your smile every morning and cannot wait to see what God has planned for your life!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Our Cardboard Testimonies
This is the link of our church's cardboard testimonies...that is me the first one. I had my hair straightened the day before, and cut...so I don't look like myself. Sorry about the sound quality..our Worship Minister Jesse is an amazing singer, but the sound is stinky. Going up there and telling everyone was hard, but I want people to trsut God no matter what...although it is so hard at times!
Love you all and hope you are all well. An update on Kaitlyn: they came and did a test and found that she has fluid in her ears and that may be contributing to the fact that she is only crawling. So we are going to see the peditriction and then off to our ENT! Fun! Keep praying that she will try to pull up and cruise soon...at least now she is crawling...in fact she is in the cat's bowl as we speak! Gotta go!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
God's promises
He gave Noah a rainbow to promise there would be no more flooding and there hasn't been. He has not lied. Ever.
He promises to never leave us, nor forsake us. And He hasn't. Ever.
Easter was delightful, Kaitlyn was beautiful, Andrew loved getting eggs. But there was something missing. My mom. She wasn't there to kiss on Kaitlyn, draw cute pics on the kids' cards, eat my choclate. You know why?
She was praising the Savior in person for His glorious ressurection. She is experiencing His promises. WOW! I mean think about it, my mom has seen GOD's face. I cannot believe it sometimes, in fact that was thrown in my face this season.
I was doing great, I was at peace that she was gone, I was living my life. And then...I was thinking that she is in heaven and with all of the magnificence that entails, she is not here. And sometimes I am mad. Not at God, cause I remember His promises, but that she is not with me. That makes me mad! What makes me madder is when I get upset about it and it disrupts my life. I am happy, I am joyful, I don't want to be mad, but it is there all the same.
So what do I do, do I stay there? For a little while, but then I remember His promises..His will is perfect, we will see her again, and all things work together for good that love the Lord. I will stand on those promises, and glorify God with my mom.
I hope everyone had a precious Easter season, I know I did. Thank you for stopping by!
Oh, and one more important promise...an update on Kaitlyn. Sooner Start came today, she did not qualify but is only in the nine month range for motor skills (based mostly on her gross motor skills). They really couldn't understand why she wasn't pulling up, cruising, or even up on her knees. So they put her knees to see if she would crawl, put her on her tummy to see if she would army crawl and all she would do is go back to her bottom. Stubborn girl. They did recommend that a PT come and observe her and evaluate her for a day and see if they can give me some pointers. Then they left, she took a nap, and guess what!? She woke up and got on her knees and started crawling. Not a lot, but enough to get her about 3 feet! Praise God!! She even started army crawling as well! I think soon I am going to be wishing she wasn't as mobile...nah!! Thank you for your prayers!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pay it forward
I will send a hand made gift to the first three people who leave a comment on this post requesting to join the PIF exchange. All the gifts will be made and sent out sometime soon within the year. How exciting to not know when your surprise package will arrive. What you need to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. This exchange is only open to those with active websites or blogs. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PROMISE TO POST THIS SAME 'PAY IT FORWARD' MESSAGE ON YOUR BLOG, WHICH MUST BE ACTIVE IN ORDER TO PLAY. YOU WILL PAY IT FORWARD TO THREE PEOPLE WHO COMMENT ON YOUR BLOG. Recap: The first three people who comment, commit to the PIF thing. The gifts are supposed to be hand made. I know a lot of you are probably thinking that you can't get in on it because you aren't "crafty" enough. If you really want in on it but don't find yourself crafty enough, I am sure it would be okay to support someone you know that has a handmade crafty kind of business. Buy a gift from them.
Got it?
So hurry and be one of the top 3 so you can get a "sussie"
I am so excited to pass this on to my blogging friends! Take care and have a blessed day!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lovin' this weather!
Jordan, Michael and Andrew playing football
Here is a video of my little rider!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Where joy and sorrow meet
This past week I had some friends bring home a baby girl, but bury a baby boy. sorrow I had some friends have a baby boy and baby girl JOY I had some sick kids on my hands sorrow They are now feeling better JOY I miss talking to my mom horribly sorrow She is in heaven and always here for me to talk to JOY Our friends burried their seven year old son sorrow They are finding God in all aspects JOY I just read on a "blogger friend" blog that a baby she had planned and loved and waited to adopt, the birth mom decided to keep her baby. sorrow Wonderful study on Fireproof the movie and One on One. JOY
And all of that has been this past week! The Bible is full of verses that talk about joy and sorrow.
Romans 11:12-13 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
1 Thessalonians 16-17 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
What does this mean, is this "Just life"? Yes and no. Yes, things like this happen in life, but as Christians our sorrow doesn't define us. The scripture speaks about finding God's will in the sorrow, keep praying and allow God's joy to overcome you. We can know that God is love, He loves us, and that is where we find our joy. I know I have blogged about this a lot lately, but I feel so heavy for friends that are being afflicted. We need to pray for one another, love one another and encourage one another.
And bottom line, know that without a doubt God will overcome and in our sorrow, he will meet us with His joy.
My biggest source of joy:
Monday, February 23, 2009
My 10 month old!
I am finally posting about my little girl! She is an absolute joy. She is the smiley baby and smiles at everything and everyone. I am so in love with this girl! She is very snuggly and loves to be center of attention and is very verbal..wonder where she gets all that? She is eating very well, is in a big girl car seat and loves taking baths with her brother. Her new things are to wave bye-bye and we do start them young in our house because if you say touchdown, she holds her hands up above her head! The young lady she is with in one of the pics is our babysitter and very good friend, Allison! Easy name to remember. The baby she is with is her bff Harper, my bff Carri's little girl. They are about 2 months apart in age. Harper just turned one...and it will be Kaitlyn's turn soon! Amazing. Again, she is a joy...sorry it has taken so long to post about my precious girl!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mason Carter Noah Nance
Monday, February 9, 2009
God is my strong tower
Some not so well, there was a little girl Cora who three weeks ago was diagnosed with cancer, and is now with the Lord. She was only 10 months old. I was devastated. Just the day before she survived a surgery, and now she is dancing with Jesus. It doesn't seem fair, nor right. Of course, way too young. She and Kaitlyn were only weeks apart. I guess that is why it has really hit close to home. I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW that God is going to do something good from this, I KNOW He is. Her parents love Him and He promises to work all things good for those who love the Lord. This situation is the absolute farthest from good, but God will create something good and will meet their needs, for their lives will never be the same.
I guess this death brings fear out of me again. I am thinking, okay God I have conquered the fear about my mom, but please don't take my little girl, so then I am fearful all over again! It has made me hug my sweet precious one a little closer. I look back too and think, oh my goodness, she is already this old, have I taken enough pics, written enough down, and her baby book, it has even begun!
So all of this to say, refer to last post! I was rereading it and I have to remember, don't have peace in abstract things, but in the fact that the will of God (even though we don't even come close to understanding it) knows better than we. And when all of the whys come up, we stand on what we KNOW, not on what we FEEL.
Another reason for my sadness is that this Wednesday marks one year since Lauren's death. Lauren was a magnificent youth in our church who would babysit Andrew. She was on her way home after picking something up from her dad's office with her brother and lost control of her car. It was devestating and our youth are still realing from it. Please be in prayer for them, for her parents and her brothers. The family is all so completely dear, and very close to us. In fact, Kaitlyn's middle name Michelle is after Lauren. The boy Colton I have asked prayer for is in the same class that Lauren was, so please pray for the class as they are dealing with everything. (BTW, Colton is doing very well).
Sorry for the long, sad post, but it feels so good to share this with others. Please know that through this fear (which I know is from Satan), this saddness I still see God's magnificent glory, His unending love and His hand upon all of us. Tomorrow will be a new day and new time to see his Glory shine in new and amazing ways!
I love you all and thank you for walking this journey together!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
If God loved me, then...
With this month being the "month of love" I started to think about God's love for us. Now I know that that is a MASSIVE subject that could be an entire course in seminary if needed be, but I wanted to cover just one subject. It being, if God loved me why didn't He...(fill in the blank). Isn't funny that at times in order for us to love and follow God, things have to be a certain way? But God has ABSOLUTELY no conditions, He loves us where are, He loves us b/c of the way we are! For example, when my mom was first diagnosed I told God that I would never talk to Him again if He didn't save my mom, but as her death came near I realized that I could not survive without God, and in a tearful prayer begged Him to keep from bitterness.
I met with a dear friend of mine who has experienced a loss in her life and we were talking about how sometimes people who pray for healing, or for someone who is ill thinks, "well God is loving and kind so of course He is going to heal this person". Well, we then talked about, why do some people die? Why did my mom die? Or this little three year old I found in the blogging world, or little boy of someone I found in the blogging world. Did God just not listen to those parent's/child's prayers? Did He not love them enough? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Think about these things:
- God can see the bigger picture. He could see that a bigger purpose was going to be taking place than just these deaths. That people could be saved, or things that we don't even see could happen due to these untimely deaths. Also, His purpose had been complete in these lives. Weird I know since some of them were only children, but they had been complete.
- Do you think that God didn't love His Son, heck no! He loved Him more than anything, but He knew His death would bring eternal salvation and although it pained Him more than anything, He allowed it to happen to allow his perfect plan to happen.
- Everything on this life is a drop into the water compared to heaven. We are here on Earth to learn more about Him, and spread His word to others who don't know Him so we can all go to heaven. This is just a gateway to our Eternal life!
Which leads me to my last thought. Why does God save others like serial killers and allow my mom to die an early death? Well, these killers need to know Jesus, and be saved. Wouldn't you want them to have an oppurtunity to be saved than to die not knowing Jesus? My mom knew Jesus, loved Jesus and was ready to go home, these others aren't. So God is going to wait to take them so they can be saved.
So in this season of love, remember God DOES love us, and has a perfect plan for all our lives, we just need to accept it without conditions.
Love to you all!!!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
What is your testimony?
choose life,
choose smiling when I want to cry
choose getting up, making my bed and face the day
because I KNOW that I am loved by a God who is with me now, tomorrow and is the same the whole time. So I choose joy, to honor God by being a living testimony to Him. By shining His love, grace to others. Please pray for me. I love you all and appreciate this venue to share my heart, I hope you don't mind.
My friend Mandi had this on her blog and it really stirred me, I hope you enjoy it. My cardboard would read:
Couldn't trust God
Living in peace through His perfect will
copy and paste in your address bar: (couldn't get the link to work)
Friday, January 16, 2009
I have been tagged

I love this photo, Kaitlyn was less than an hour old..look at those cheeks! When I first looked at her, I thought..didn't I do give birth to this baby before?! Kaitlyn looked exactly like her brother, in fact our peditrician always comments how they look alike. This was a wonderful moment, a moment I will remember forever, the moment I looked into my daughter's eyes and knew we would have such a special mother/daughter relationship. I had always wanted a girl, to dress up, to love, to talk with, and I got her. I look at her every day and can't believe she is mine. I am so glad to be a mommy of a girl! I love this girl, in fact in a couple of weeks I get to post about my nine month old. I had to take her into the doctor b/c she had some pimples and I wanted the Dr. to look at it, and she weighed 18 pounds already. How time flies!
Okay, now I am to tag four friends. I tag Molly, Leanne, Krystal and Carri. Remember, go to your fourth folder and choose your fourth folder. Love to you all!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Change is going on in our house!``
Monday, January 5, 2009
A year in review
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