Andrew spent last week at VBS and I played a couple of snipits of the songs he sang off the internet. He was in the living room and came running in the office screaming "my church music!". There was only a sample of each songs, but he knew the words and motions with anyone doing them with him! Our church was selling the CD's so I got one and started playing it today. He stood up on his Pooh train and started singing! I videoed him doing it and wanted to share it with you! It is so sweet to hear our children sing God's praises!
Wow! That is great! I especially loved the guitar playing at the end. Way to sing praises to Jesus, Andrew!
Thank you for brightening my day Andrew! Jesus loves to hear our praises to Him.
Yep, the air guitar at the end (and the tongue stuck out) is the best.
Oh that was so cute! That's one of madeline's faves too. And I loved seeing the choreography, isn't it amazing how quickly they pic up on the moves? Madeline likes to do those too...
Madeline said "that's so funny". She had a big old smile on her face watching Andrew dance and sing :)
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