A word from God's Word

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Some back log of pictures!

I am trying to catch up on blogging! Here are some pics of Andrew's first day of school, and when the fire truck came the other day. I appreciate your prayers so much, I can feel them! I have such a peace of mind! We don't deserve God's grace and His abudance love, but He gives it to us everytime, without question. What an awesome God we serve!!
Ready for school!!
Checking out our new room!
I am holding hands with a cute girl!
The next fireman of Tulsa!
Andrew and mommy's class


Leanne said...

cute!!!! What fun, too!

Carri said...

i'm so glad you posted his school pics, so cute! he is getting so big.

Be Inspired Always said...

Cute! Looks like you all had a great time.


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