We have been busy! We spent a couple of days we spent in Edmond with our friends Carri, Brecken and Sawyer! Andrew went to his Nan and Papa's for awhile one day! We have spent a lot of time outside now that it has stopped raining! Andrew loves to run in the backyard and play with his trucks! We also had a church outing to Camp Loungridge where Andrew got to swim. He is really loving to swim this year and takes every oppurtunity he can to swim! Hope your summer is going well...can't belive that it is almost over!! Love you all! Hope you enjoy our pics!

yay, you finally posted again!! :)adorable pictures! i love them all! and what cute friends andrew has :) he is such a sweet and cute little boy. we sure had fun with you guys.
He is growing up so quickly!!! SOOO cute... I love the first one. I miss you and hope to see you soon.
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