A word from God's Word
Friday, December 14, 2007
Baby news!!
We went to the Dr. and today and got some exciting news!
We are so excited! We saw her little kidneys, her arms even her big toe! What a joy! Please pray for continued health for the baby and myself! Love to you all!
For all of my Tulsa friends, hope your electricity and we can get out of all this ice soon!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Catching Up
It's been awhile since I posted, so I wanted to catch up!
Thanksgiving was very nice, we went to Collinsville and hung out with family and ate and ate. I was afraid that I was not going to get to eat much, but I had one big meal, but 7 hours later, I felt like I had just eaten! We got to see my parents, which was wonderful. The Dr.'s are so amazed by her recovery, just pray for continued improvement!
My nausea is getting better, they put me on a certain prenatal vitamin so I am feeling better, but I have been getting sinus infections all over the place, so that has been frustating, but it is worth it. We are at the half way mark, so hopefully we will find out by the next appt. Everyone is saying it is a girl, but we will see! I have been feeling little flutters, which is fun! I cannot believe that at the next holiday we will have 2! Wow! I also can't believe that my little boy will be THREE on Monday! Where did all of the time go?!
We were out of electricity for 1 1/2 days, but went over to my parents for the duration. It was so weird to come to my neighborhood and it was completely dark, it was like the end of the world! It was fun to spend time with my mom and dad though! For those of you who went longer, I am so sorry, what a mess!!! My in-law's in Collinsville are still out of service and they don't know when they are getting back. They lost A LOT of trees, which is so sad, but they are alive and only sustained a little damage, nothing that is not fixable. Thank God
Well, take care and I hope that the holidays are finding you well, next time I will have pictures!
Thanksgiving was very nice, we went to Collinsville and hung out with family and ate and ate. I was afraid that I was not going to get to eat much, but I had one big meal, but 7 hours later, I felt like I had just eaten! We got to see my parents, which was wonderful. The Dr.'s are so amazed by her recovery, just pray for continued improvement!
My nausea is getting better, they put me on a certain prenatal vitamin so I am feeling better, but I have been getting sinus infections all over the place, so that has been frustating, but it is worth it. We are at the half way mark, so hopefully we will find out by the next appt. Everyone is saying it is a girl, but we will see! I have been feeling little flutters, which is fun! I cannot believe that at the next holiday we will have 2! Wow! I also can't believe that my little boy will be THREE on Monday! Where did all of the time go?!
We were out of electricity for 1 1/2 days, but went over to my parents for the duration. It was so weird to come to my neighborhood and it was completely dark, it was like the end of the world! It was fun to spend time with my mom and dad though! For those of you who went longer, I am so sorry, what a mess!!! My in-law's in Collinsville are still out of service and they don't know when they are getting back. They lost A LOT of trees, which is so sad, but they are alive and only sustained a little damage, nothing that is not fixable. Thank God
Well, take care and I hope that the holidays are finding you well, next time I will have pictures!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Our trip to Branson
I was playing around with a new video montage, I hope you like it, it shows our pics to Branson. The elephant went up and down and Andrew wanted to ride it over and over! It was the first ride he ever rode and I was afraid he would be scared, but he proved me wrong!
We had a Dr. appt today and all went well, but no ultrasound today b/c I had to get that lovely procedure we have to get once a year, and there was no time. We heard the heartbeat though and everything sounded great! Hopefully next time we will know what it is going to be.
A funny story happened tonight: at our Thanksgiving banquet tonight everyone was saying what they were thankful for and Andrew was playing and got loud, so I took him out. He wasn't in trouble, I just wanted to take him out of the gym. As we were leaving, he goes, "I sorry, I sorry" and everyone in the whole chruch heard him. I got several comments on how funny it was. You do have to laugh, or cry, but I would rather laugh! :)

My Montage 11/14/07
We had a Dr. appt today and all went well, but no ultrasound today b/c I had to get that lovely procedure we have to get once a year, and there was no time. We heard the heartbeat though and everything sounded great! Hopefully next time we will know what it is going to be.
A funny story happened tonight: at our Thanksgiving banquet tonight everyone was saying what they were thankful for and Andrew was playing and got loud, so I took him out. He wasn't in trouble, I just wanted to take him out of the gym. As we were leaving, he goes, "I sorry, I sorry" and everyone in the whole chruch heard him. I got several comments on how funny it was. You do have to laugh, or cry, but I would rather laugh! :)
My Montage 11/14/07
Friday, November 2, 2007
Andrew's Halloween
Hello everyone! We had a fun Halloween, Andrew really understood it this year and had a blast. We went Trick-or-Treating for quite awhile, but at the end Andrew said he wanted to go to "Andrew's house, Tigger is tired"! I thought that was funny! Also everytime he got candy, he said thank you and looked at me and goes, "More candy!". Hope you enjoy our pics!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
School Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Andrew's class at school went to a pumpkin trip down the road from our church. My class went as well so I was able to go with him. I love working where he goes to school! It was a beautiful day, especially after it rained all day the day before! Hope everyone is enjoying this fall weather! Love to you all!!!
Andrew listening to the lady tell about different pumpkins, isn't that a quizical look!

He looks mad, but really he screaming b/c he was having fun!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I thought this was cute! Andrew's favorite song is what he calls the "na-na"song! He asks me to listen to it all of the time, and then started dancing and wanted me to record him. What a product of his generation, he keeps asking to see it...don't these yungin's know we had to wait a week before we saw a pic!!! :) Have a great day!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Andrew reading
My mom gave Andrew a new book and he came home and read it to us! I loved it! He has started saying AMEN at the end of his books instead of THE END, it is really cute! Hope you enjoy!
Mom's Overture by Anita Renfroe
This is so funny and so true! She spoke at Women of Faith. I loved it, hope you enjoy! Thanks for sharing this with me Natalie!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Some back log of pictures!
I am trying to catch up on blogging! Here are some pics of Andrew's first day of school, and when the fire truck came the other day. I appreciate your prayers so much, I can feel them! I have such a peace of mind! We don't deserve God's grace and His abudance love, but He gives it to us everytime, without question. What an awesome God we serve!!
Ready for school!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wow, how time flies!
What has happened since the last time I posted?? Oh yeah, WE FOUND OUT WE ARE PREGNANT!! We are due in April and so very excited. Just like with Andrew, but twice as bad, I have been nauseous and tired! I am working on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our Weekday Preschool at church where Andrew goes, so those days I come and CRASH. Other days I am still tired and so sick. I don't actually get physically sick, but I feel bad. But with all of that said, I cannot be more thrilled. I love being pregnant (2nd and 3rd trimester) and we are so blessed that God has given us this little gift. We have been to the doctor twice and have seen the baby (got pictures today :)) and everything looks good. I could listen to the heartbeat all day! Also, my mom went to the doctor and doing well, her blood is good and she has gained nine pounds! So God is so good. I would ask for prayer to fight anxiousness and fear. God doesn't want to us to have an spirit of fear, but be strong and courageous and know that He is with us (combining two verses there!). Thanks for the prayers, and I can't wait to keep you updated on our new arrival. I will be posting some pictures of Andrew's first day and some other fun shots, so be patient and I will back to my old blogging self! Love you all!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I was tagged!
My friend from college, Kathryn tagged me and I thought is was fun, so I gave it a try. It was fun!
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I love sports, especially football, NFL and college. I will watch any sport on TV (except car racing!)
2. Like my friend Kathryn, I have to know where we are going, what we are going to do and when we are going. I have to know what is going to happen, which means me not knowing what happens in life is hard! I guess that what a little thing called faith comes in.
3. I love to play games online like Diner Dash, or games on websites. I spend way too much time on those!
4. Kind of with #3, I love anything electronic for the past two mother's days I recieved a Palm and an iPod.
5. I repeated 7th grade! I started out in Union from Kindergarten-7th grade and then went to Monte Cassino and took 7th grade over again!
6. I love classic movies, Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant, etc.
7. I love to write, in fact at one time I wanted to go to Northwestern and major in journalism and be Sports Editor for the Chicago Tribune.
8. I have always loved performing (acting, singing), and wanted to go and study in NYC and perform on broadway. I still have dream of going to NYC!
Okay, Natalie, Michelle, Leanne, Carri, Jen, you are tagged!!! :) Have fun!
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I love sports, especially football, NFL and college. I will watch any sport on TV (except car racing!)
2. Like my friend Kathryn, I have to know where we are going, what we are going to do and when we are going. I have to know what is going to happen, which means me not knowing what happens in life is hard! I guess that what a little thing called faith comes in.
3. I love to play games online like Diner Dash, or games on websites. I spend way too much time on those!
4. Kind of with #3, I love anything electronic for the past two mother's days I recieved a Palm and an iPod.
5. I repeated 7th grade! I started out in Union from Kindergarten-7th grade and then went to Monte Cassino and took 7th grade over again!
6. I love classic movies, Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant, etc.
7. I love to write, in fact at one time I wanted to go to Northwestern and major in journalism and be Sports Editor for the Chicago Tribune.
8. I have always loved performing (acting, singing), and wanted to go and study in NYC and perform on broadway. I still have dream of going to NYC!
Okay, Natalie, Michelle, Leanne, Carri, Jen, you are tagged!!! :) Have fun!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
We have a new bed!!
Andrew is now offically in a big boy bed! The furniture came in last weekend! We got the quilt from Target and it matches PERFECTLY with his bears on his wall his daddy painted 2 1/2 years ago. We could not have found something so perfect! He is staying in it during the night (only got up once), having him stay in it after going "nite-nite" is another issue we are working on. I have to say it was very hard to get read of his baby things. For some reason the crib wasn't hard, it was the changing table. It was a step we are taking toward being bigger! It makes mommy sad, but excited. (I know all the mommies out there know what I am talking about :)) Love you all!
The new dresser

New headboard and nightstand

The main image on the quilt

Andrew enjoying his new bed before we got the furniture!

New headboard and nightstand

The main image on the quilt

Andrew enjoying his new bed before we got the furniture!

Monday, July 30, 2007
Busy Couple of Weeks

We have been busy! We spent a couple of days we spent in Edmond with our friends Carri, Brecken and Sawyer! Andrew went to his Nan and Papa's for awhile one day! We have spent a lot of time outside now that it has stopped raining! Andrew loves to run in the backyard and play with his trucks! We also had a church outing to Camp Loungridge where Andrew got to swim. He is really loving to swim this year and takes every oppurtunity he can to swim! Hope your summer is going well...can't belive that it is almost over!! Love you all! Hope you enjoy our pics!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Andrew's trip to the Zoo
Last week we took Andrew to the Zoo and he loved it!!! He talks about it every day, when I tell him to say hello he says, "We saw elephant" and he puts a hand up by his nose and raises it up like a truck and toots! He then talks about the monkeys and how they "flew up in the air" because the monkeys swung from nets on the ceiling. It was a wonderfully fun family day and a great early birthday gift!

For those Gilmore Fans!
I love this song and this show...I can't say how upset that I won't be seeing new episodes!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Our Fourth!
Our fourth started out with Andrew's tricycle parade at school and then we went to see fireworks at Collinsville. Andrew did not like them at all and we spent the entire time in G-ma and G-pa's car! He had fun before playing and dancing with the band. It is a sweet hometown feel with snow cones and cotton candy! Then on the actual fourth went and grilled at G-ma and G-pa's and made home made ice cream! Hope you enjoy the show, and hope you all had a great fourth!! Love you!
Time with my uncle Michael!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Summertime (almost)
Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well, VBS was last week and it was a huge success, many decisions were made and I had a Sunday School teacher tell me that the preschoolers could recite stories and songs over and over! All Glory to God!
Before VBS we went to G-ma and G-pa's to see Aunt Laura and Uncle Dewayne and barbecue! The following blog is from that fun time with family! Below are some pictures of Andrew at a church-wide baseball game.
Update on my mom: she sat in a chair the entire time we were at their place for Father's Day and her feet's swelling is going down. She is still continuing to recover, so keep praying, but thank you so much for your prayers and your support during this time!
I love you all and think and pray for you all the time. I would ask for prayer right now, I am giving my two week notice at the Grand and working for the Weekday Preschool at our church. I am also involved in an awesome Bible study and God is really opening my eyes to things and I am wanting so much to please Him and be the person He created, not the person I think I should be. Thank you for letting me share, it really helps.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Before VBS we went to G-ma and G-pa's to see Aunt Laura and Uncle Dewayne and barbecue! The following blog is from that fun time with family! Below are some pictures of Andrew at a church-wide baseball game.

Update on my mom: she sat in a chair the entire time we were at their place for Father's Day and her feet's swelling is going down. She is still continuing to recover, so keep praying, but thank you so much for your prayers and your support during this time!
I love you all and think and pray for you all the time. I would ask for prayer right now, I am giving my two week notice at the Grand and working for the Weekday Preschool at our church. I am also involved in an awesome Bible study and God is really opening my eyes to things and I am wanting so much to please Him and be the person He created, not the person I think I should be. Thank you for letting me share, it really helps.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
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