Andrew started first grade!
Kaitlyn had her first dance class of the fall!
Andrew had his first football game!
My precious ones are growing up way, way, way too fast. I look at Matthew and think, wasn't Andrew just this age?! Now he is in first grade! He is taking the bus to and from school. There are a lot of kids at his stop, and the traffic at school is insane. He loves it, and I am glad he gets some independance! Isn't funny, this thing called motherhood?! Here am I complaining that he is growing up too fast, and yet throwing him into the arms of indepandance! It is full of mixed emotions! I love to see him grow, and evolve into a child of God, learning who he is, and becoming who God created him to be. But at the same time, I want him to be little, crawl up into my arms and go to sleep. ...but I digress!
Kaitlyn is doing ballet/tap at Jenks Dance Academy and Andrew is doing flag football with Bixby United Methodist church. Our coach is the father of two of Andrew's closest friends! We are loving it so far, and Andrew scored two touchdowns! Kaitlyn loves to dance, the do ballet at the bar, do floor work and then put on their tap shoes and go to town! Soon she will be doing dance with one of her closest friends Ella. She is very excited! Andrew is also doing piano this year with our pianest from church, Debra. So we have a busy year ahead of us, but also a time of fun and learning.
Here are some pics of our first days!
Well here is our week of firsts! Hope all is going well with you!