Matthew is our joy. He is God's way of telling me that He is control, and he knows best. Matthew was not part of my "plan", but he was the answer I didn't even know I was looking for. He LOVES life! He is on the go all the time and when he sees you, you get a big smilea and a "hi". He loves everyone, but his favorite person is his da-da! David walks in and the rest of the world is put on hold. He can't do anything until David picks him up. I love it! He has been pulling up since he was about 10 months old and is cruising on everything. He can stand a second, and then falls down. He is definately my earliest moblie baby. He had been army crawling, but last week on his birthday he just started crawling on all fours. He is an easy, easy baby. He loves to play and do anything his big brother and sister do, I really don't know what I would do without him.
Last Thursday the 17th was his actual birthday and he played at church. We then went out to dinner as a family. Then last Sunday he was dedicated at church and we had a family party at home. I have gone with the theme for the first birthday depending on what their bedding is. Andrew's was teddy bears, Kaitlyn's was butterflies and flowers, and so Matthews was first birthday with sports on it. It was cute and of course Reasor's did the cake and they did a awesome job. We had Papa, Grammy, Ponca and Uncle Michael. Unfortunately Holly had to work and couldn't come..we missed her.
I cannot find the cord to download pictures from the day, but here are some pics from over the year. What a year...what a boy! We love you Matthew Aaron, more and more every day!