I love Angie Smith...she has inspired me, made me laugh and helped me during my grief as I know she helped thousands of others. Well I also love to read, so I have decided to join her book club called Bloom that inCourage has decided to sponser. The book seems outstanding, and I tried buying it at Mardel, but couldn't get it, so I am going to Barnes and Noble to get it. Join with me if you want, watch this video, click in the link I have on blog, and let's dig in!
A word from God's Word
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Playing Catch Up!
Well I offically win the best mom award! I sent my son to school with the flu! I know it has been done before and I will do it again, but I couldn't believe I did it. He had said right after Christmas break that he did not feel good, but was better by 10, so I thought this was the same thing...but no! By the time he got home he was running a 100.5 fever and by the time he went to bed he was running 102. I took him to the Dr the next morning and they tested him for the flu and it was positive! Luckily we had snow days so he did not miss a lot of school, but it was still hard to see him like that! I think that since he had the vacination he got over it easier, because I have known people to not get it and was harder for them to get over. Thank the Lord for vaccinations! It has really been going around here, so I am hoping my two little ones don't get it...so far so good!

Hope you enjoy, thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!
Before the flu overtook us we got a special treat! We got to visit daddy in his office! He has worked at BOK for two years, but haven't been able to see it. Andrew was out of school and all of the kids had fun sitting at his desk and meeting his co-workers. I loved it because I can visualise where he is sitting and I love meeting the people he works with. I am so proud of my precious husband. He works very hard to provide for his family, he gets up early so he can get home and spend time with his family at night. He is amazing! Here are some pics of the kids in the BOK tower!
Hope you enjoy, thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Living simply with a purpose
Wow! Christmas has come and gone...we are in a new year and I am just now posting! We had the most amazing Christmas (2/3 sick, but still wonderful)! As we start a new year, David turned 35, we FINALLY got Matthew a crib and he is now sharing his room with Andrew. It is going so well and David and I finally got our room back! :0 I will posting pictures of everything soon!
Now what I meant by my title...My momma passed away Nov 2008. I had a three year old and a six month old...and I was surviving. All I was focusing on was how I was going to get out of bed each morning, feed and clothe my kids and give them a regular life. Then as I was getting back on track...along came my pregnancy with my precious Matthew. Now as wonderfully perfect as he is, I was then trying to survive and fight all the tiredness of the pregnancy, all the sickness of the pregnancy. Then I had him and was so happy, and as I was getting out and feeling "normal" I had my gallbladder surgery. Then summer hit, daddy kept getting sick and then before I knew it Andrew started Kindgerten. Then I began BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), and my eyes began to open up. I realized I was still in survival mode. My fellowship with God was on non-existant, I was not engaging with my kids or my husband, I was snapping at everyone, I was not aware what was going on around me. But by attending BSF and reading God's word, He began to whisper to me, follow me Allison, learn about me, talk with me and I will give you the strength and the knowledge on what to do to make your life go forward in a wonderful direction! So that is what I did.
I have really dove head in to FlyLady. My Control Journal is better than it ever has been, and I have USED it! I didn't just start in Jan because it was a good year, but began in Dec with homemade ornaments, and cookies for the neighbors for the first year, really began family traditions..I have been so proud of myself, yet giving God all the credit!
I have made several Dr. Appts. Made my OBGYN appt (YUCK!), my endroconolgist appt and a new appt with a Dr for a physical.
I also have started making notes and began really using coupons and learning how to save money at every turn.
I am patient with my kids, following through with them and listening to my husband.
But most important....I am listening to my God! He is revealing so much about who He is as a parent, who I need to be as a parent and how much He desires a relationship with me.
I also want to blog more. I have LOVED following uplifitng, encouraging blogs and I want to be those encouraging, uplifting blogs.
So this is just the first of a long line of blogs of my family and how God is going to continue to work in my life!
Now what I meant by my title...My momma passed away Nov 2008. I had a three year old and a six month old...and I was surviving. All I was focusing on was how I was going to get out of bed each morning, feed and clothe my kids and give them a regular life. Then as I was getting back on track...along came my pregnancy with my precious Matthew. Now as wonderfully perfect as he is, I was then trying to survive and fight all the tiredness of the pregnancy, all the sickness of the pregnancy. Then I had him and was so happy, and as I was getting out and feeling "normal" I had my gallbladder surgery. Then summer hit, daddy kept getting sick and then before I knew it Andrew started Kindgerten. Then I began BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), and my eyes began to open up. I realized I was still in survival mode. My fellowship with God was on non-existant, I was not engaging with my kids or my husband, I was snapping at everyone, I was not aware what was going on around me. But by attending BSF and reading God's word, He began to whisper to me, follow me Allison, learn about me, talk with me and I will give you the strength and the knowledge on what to do to make your life go forward in a wonderful direction! So that is what I did.
I have really dove head in to FlyLady. My Control Journal is better than it ever has been, and I have USED it! I didn't just start in Jan because it was a good year, but began in Dec with homemade ornaments, and cookies for the neighbors for the first year, really began family traditions..I have been so proud of myself, yet giving God all the credit!
I have made several Dr. Appts. Made my OBGYN appt (YUCK!), my endroconolgist appt and a new appt with a Dr for a physical.
I also have started making notes and began really using coupons and learning how to save money at every turn.
I am patient with my kids, following through with them and listening to my husband.
But most important....I am listening to my God! He is revealing so much about who He is as a parent, who I need to be as a parent and how much He desires a relationship with me.
I also want to blog more. I have LOVED following uplifitng, encouraging blogs and I want to be those encouraging, uplifting blogs.
So this is just the first of a long line of blogs of my family and how God is going to continue to work in my life!
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