My precious first born son turned SIX this past week. Seriously?! I can't believe it, but I have never in my life been more proud of a boy as much as I am with this kid. I mean it, I am not just saying it because he is my son...he is one neat boy! Here are some things about my boy:
- He loves (and I am not saying that lightly) football. He makes up his own plays, plays quarterback, reciever and tackle. In fact, this summer would find old games from the nineties on ESPN Classic just so he could watch football!
- He is an avid reader and is reading so much and so well!
- He loves to draw and even write about what he draws, and does very well!
- He is learning about God and beginning to apply that to his life
- He loves playing with friends, especially our next door neighbors Michael and Jordan.
- He loves the computer and video games and knows how to find a game and play them without any help.
- He is a great brother, he does tackle them, but is there to defend them in a moments notice and loves them very much.
- Is hiliarious and gets jokes and tells his own with his own wit and timing!
I could go on and on and on, and we are so proud of him and couldn't imagine our lives without him.
The picture here is the only picture of his birthday that have right now...long story, but some are on my phone, some are on my friends phone. This is from dinner out for his birthday, then we went and looked at Christmas lights.