I love sending out Christmas cards! I love sending out pictures of the kids. Every since Andrew was 1 year old, I dressed him up in his Christmas outfit and put him in front of the Christmas tree. Then when Kaitlyn came along, it was more challenging, but still fun! Then, last year the day before I was going to put the kids in their best and put them in front of the tree, Kaitlyn broke her arm and none of her dresses fit over the cast. So, I did a picture of them at Silver Dollar City. It was a great picture, but I am looking forward to putting them all in front of the tree for a picture of the three of them!
This year Shutterfly is giving away 50 free cards to any bloggers out there, and here are three of my favorite!!

I have also loved doing calendars with Shutterfly! I put up a collage of pictures and put everyone's birthdays and anniversarys and give them out as presents to my in-laws and parent. Grandparents love pictures of their grandkids and like to see how my kids have grown over the past year! http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to count all of your blessings, I know I have several!