I have been wanting and wanting and wanting to post about my angel from above, but finding time to get on the computer with three kids is insane! So five weeks later here I am!
Matthew Aaron Stephens was born
Matthew Aaron Stephens was born
Wednesday, Feburary 17, 2010
7pds 8oz

I had a fast and furious labor, which just confirmed to me that this is it! He was having issues crying like Andrew did so they observed him for awhile, but he was fine. He almost jaundiced, but recovered very nicely. He is also my best nurser and is now close to nine pounds! I was very excited about breast feeding I could not with my other two, and even though we have had our ups and downs, it is going very nicely. He is such a sweet baby, such a blessing, after being "surprised" by him, I absolutely could not imagine my life without him. I love him so much!
God is so good. He gave me a peace that only He could when Matthew was born. Even though my mom has not held the baby here on Earth, she is here. I felt her in the delievry room and many times since then. Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your love...it is so appreciated! More than you ever will know. I have such a support group, such a core group of friends, over the internet and in person, I don't know what I would do without any of you.
My camera battery is dead right now and when I charge it I will post more...