A word from God's Word

Monday, August 17, 2009

Well...it happened

My baby started school!

Um, can I just ask when this happened? When did this baby,

become this little boy?

Not only have we started school, but we are realizing harsh realities of life, like the world doesn't revolove around him and oh my goodness, I don't always get what I want and I have to do things I don't really want to do. So many hard lessons at such a young age!

Seriously though, I am trying hard to be consistent, loving, Godly and most of all patient...who said that parenting is easy though right! I am still waiting for that owners manual to come in the mail. :)

Love to you all as we start this new adventure in life!

Oh one more thing...my baby baby is walking everywhere! She is so big, 16 months next week...time please slow down!!!!

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