Two weeks ago we found out we are EXPECTING OUR THIRD!! Yes, third! Shocked?! So were we! It took us nine months to get pregnant with each Andrew and Kaitlyn, bad math, one night we are!!! I went to Reasor's to pick up some things for a camping trip we were going on and has been awhile, and I did feel sick this week, but no this is not possible, but went ahead and bought the test. I came home said hello to everyone, and took the test without saying anyone, because even though I think I always knew, it couldn't be possible..right! Wrong! I held the test until it said PREGNANT.

And I cried, not at the time happy tears, but oh my goodness what is going to happen tears! I called David in and just looked at him, he walks right by me and has to look at the test himself and goes, "No way!". He then goes through his accountant list...we need a new house, three college educations, hehe! Then he looks at me and goes, " Congrats mommy". Me, I just keep crying saying this can't be happening! Now, I know what we are going to do, welcome a new little one into this world with open arms! I am now thrilled beyond words! My dad is excited, but surprised. We both know my mom would be thrilled :).
I am overwhelmed, excited, nervous, scared, at peace, estatic, loving...and that is in just a five minute period! Seriously though, we have only known for two weeks and although this wasn't something that was in our master plan, our Master had a different Plan! And I couldn't imagine my life without this little one in me. I can completely see our family as whole with three kids, not two, it feels complete, perfect and right. I don't know how we are going to do it, what it is going to look like, but that doesn't matter God does!
I went to the Dr. last Monday and I am eight weeks along, due Feb. 24. So pray for peace, pray for a healthy precious baby to add to our wonderful family and pray that I can take care of two while I am sick with this one. ( and for my son's sake, pray for a boy because he won't even talk about the possiblilty of a girl! :) )
Couldn't wait to share this news with my blogger friends, take care and we will keep you updated!!