A word from God's Word

Monday, September 29, 2008

Our fun trip!

David's cousin Verlinda and her daughter Natalie invited us to a new musuem in Tulsa. It is on 61st and Sheridan at the top of the hill across from In the Raw. You start out in a black room with the light that makes all of the whites you wear weird color, and fun hands-on things. Then there is a big climbing toy and a climbing wall. There is an arts n crafts room where you can color and paint. Then you move on to a "little town" full of a grocery store, cafe, post office, hospital, and barber shop. Each place had kids size carts, food and tables where they could sit and check out items and put things in a kid size grocery cart. We loved it! It was so cool and the kids had a blast!!! I really want you to visit it and support this so it stays in Tulsa for a long time. For Andrew and I it cost 14.95. There is a website, http://www.kaleidoscopecm.com/! Take your kids, Andrew and Natalie loved it as you can see, we spent 2 hours there and could have spent more. View the next post for pics, for some reason I couldn't put the slide show and words on the same post.

Our Trip to the muesum

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Misc. stuff!

Andrew is really into "copying" Daddy! Last night David was hanging something up on the porch and of course had to go and get his tools "just like dad!".

Last Friday we were blessed to have a lot of friends stop by! First Michelle, Zach, Laney, Leanne, Zach and Noelle came by for a visit! We love our friends and love having them over to our house!

Then our friends Carri, Brecken, Sawyer and Harper came over. We love to see them anytime we get since they live in Edmond. The boys and younger girls are only months apart, so it makes for a fun, fun, fun time!

Align Center

The girls: Harper 6 months Kaitlyn 4 months

Here are the brother's and sister's. My little one was not very happy at this point! :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Girl!

Well we have a roller on our hands! She is really good at, but she gets her arm caught and can't roll over it! She is smiling ALL of the time and laughing now too! She really loves her brother and can't wait to see him every day. She is on a great schedule and even though she is having some "tummy" issues, she has a very sweet dispostion! She is reaching for toys and putting them in her mouth and she is always moving! I can't believe she is getting so big and can do so much, it truly goes by so fast! She really is a blessing and we can't imagine what our lives where like without her! Here are some pics of our angel! See you next month!

Be sure to check out my next blog, all about my guy!!!

My guy!

Andrew is my three and half year old going on 30! He is such a funny little guy and I am so proud of him! I have spent a lot of time talking about Kaitlyn that I wanted to spend time talking about my little man!

He LOVES sports! I joke that David and I wanted our son to have athletic ability (since neither of us do :) ), but we prayed a little too hard b/c if it can be hit, thrown, kicked or rolled he is into it! I really don't know what sport he is going to go into, but it is going to be something b/c he has natural ability that we have not taught him! Here is playing ball

Andrew also loves music! He loves to sing, play instruments--especially the guitar! His new favorite is Guitar Hero! He also will turn anything into a drum! Here are some pics of his musical abilities!

He has a Pull-Up on! Makes me think of Risky Business!

Andrew also loves to color and draw and paint! He does really well for his age and I love to see him color and draw!

Something to update everyone on, he is now going on the potty! I seriously thought I would send him to college in diapers, but he is doing so well and has been dry for a week now and got a special prize! YEAH!!! What a huge step! A really funny story happend the other day. It was during the DNC and my mom was over while David was gone, so Andrew wanted to lay down in my bed with Nan. The only thing on was the DNC when Hillary was talking, so she had it on not thinking he was watching it, but he was. She said, "...and I want your children to look up at you and you are able to tell them, you can be anything you want to be...", and all of a sudden my mom heard Andrew say, "I want to be a cowboy!" We laughed and laughed! This week though when he saw John McCain on TV, he turned to David and said, I like this guy, he is nice! See what I mean...he is going on 30!!

I also wanted to share with you some pics he took. I was sick in bed this week and these are some pics he took, so here is our life from his point of view! Hope you enjoyed my little guy, we sure do, we love him and think he is so special!

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