A word from God's Word
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I've been tagged
Four jobs I have had:
Gift shop in High School
OBU Computer Lab
Pine Cove Christian Camp
Southpark Christian School
4 Movies I can watch over and over
Sleepless in Seattle
Philadelphia Story
Sound of Music
Meet the Parents
4 Places I have lived
Tulsa, OK
Shawnee, OK
(my parents lived in Norman the last two years of college, so I would go home and visit them there if that counts)
Jenks, OK
4 TV Shows that I love
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order (all of them)
Gilmore Girls
4 Sites I visit everyday
Friends' blogs
4 Places I have vacationed
San Diego
New Mexico
4 Places I would rather be
In bed :)
Anywhere that has a beach
4 people I tagged:
anyone who wants to participate!
Friday, July 18, 2008
We are back!
This really nice lady let Andrew put the suitcase on the
belt and then gave hime a Southwest Airplane balloon.
Waiting for our plane
Kaitlyn eats on the plane

Andrew's first plane ride.
Andrew plays on real neat exhibt on Oil andGas at a Children's Museum that Laura took us to.
Kaitlyn is ready for a fun-filled day!
Andrew and Kaitlyn ready for church! I love this pic!
Our kids!
Laura and Andrew at the outlet mall. Andrew rode this car all over and loved it! The best 5.00 ever spent!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fun time in Houston
We are spending time in Houston with David's aunt and uncle and cousins. They live in a fun neighborhood with a park that has a playground, pool and pond with some ducks. Andrew loved feeding the ducks and playing on the playground. We flew on a plane today with the kids, and it was so nice! This was Andrew's first plane ride and had a wonderful time, just sat and colored and in fact got upset when we had to land! I will post some pics of our ride later. Hope everyone is doing well, love to you all!
Monday, July 7, 2008
By the way, I am now 33. Wow! that is old! We are going to have our 10 year college reunion this year! TEN!! There were 6 of us that hung out together in college and the six of us combined we have been married over 50 years and have 12 kids! How time flies when you are having fun! It is kind of cool too that our Sunday School class started out as newlyweds, married only months, then moved to starting a family and we are now all with our second kids married nine years and serving heavily in the church!
Love you all!