I went to the Dr. today and I am 2 cm dialated! I will be 37 weeks on Friday and I went into labor at 37 with Andrew. My water broke with Andrew and I was only 1/2 cm dialated, so I was freaking out today in the Dr.'s office!!!! God knows the time and He is in control. Does anyone else but me wish God would send emails and let us know what is going to happen in life? :)
We now have a crib and a changing table, but our dresser was broken when we took it out of the box, and it is not in the warehouse, so we have to wait for it to get to the warehouse, then we can order it. My obessesive self wants everything in the right place before she gets here, so I guess it is God's way of telling me not everything has to be perfect!
I will continue to keep everyone updated and can't wait to post pretty pictures of our little girl!!