A word from God's Word
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
...i am entering a year the mother of two for the first time
...i am entering a year the owner of a mini van for the first time
...i am entering a year after having my tenth college reunion
...i am entering a year where my husband and I will celebrating 10 years of marriage
...i am entering a year a daughter with no mother
....i am entering a year the daughter of a king, a child of the most high, and I know that no matter what happens this year, God will be next to me, holding my hand and watching me every step of the way.
I moved my dad out and he will be staying with us for a while until he gets into his new place. Never again will I call their number, a number I called every day (3-4 times) for four years. Never again will I go to their place where Andrew danced with her and painted rocks, ate cookies and watched TV. I miss her so much, and leaving the place with all those memories is almost like mourning all over again. So today, I visited the pit a little. My best friend asked me last night if I was surviving and if I was okay. Yes and yes/no. I get up, I feed and take care of my kids, I laugh at something at TV, I kiss my husband, I pray to my God, and am thankful for ALL my blessings, but inside I am sad b/c my best friend is gone. But just like scripture says, joy does come in the morning and right now, I am going to cling to God and trust like no other time, and will wait expectantly to see the glorious plan He has for my life, my dad's, my husband's, my son's and my daughter's.
Happy New Year loved ones, can't wait for new year of memories and love!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas to one and to all....
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
Yet, He came down from Heaven so that we could be saved and become children of God.
Merry Christmas from the Stephens!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Andrew is the big FOUR-0

This year I am focusing on being the mommy God wants me to be, not what I think I should be or what I think others want me to be, but what God wants me to be. I want to discipline my children like he disciplines me, out of love. I am praying that I am a productive mommy and spend as much time with them as possible, for next year Andrew will go off to K4 and I will lose our lazy mornings, and lives will never be the same again!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Coincidence?? I don't think so?
Yesterday we were out and I looked down at my key chain and wanted to take the plastic key chain we got from Joe Marino off, but for some "reason" took off my clicker that unlock and locks the door. Well I couldn't get it back on, so I had it separate from my other keys and put it in a pocket in my purse. Well tonight I went to Walmart to finish Andrew's Christmas and got to my car in the FREEZING cold and couldn't find my keys. But....I had my clicker so I could get everything in our car (including Andrew's new bike ) and sit in the car and look for my keys in the warmth of the car. I couldn't find them (David came and gave the other set--what a guy!) but I did go to Customer Service and they were there. But thanks to the "coincidence" I was able to sit inside my car and not have to push my cart back, sit in Walmart, be cold, be out in the dark with my hands freezing, or anything else.
God is good and meets our every need.
He knew that I was going to have to have the clicker separate, He knew it was going to be cold and dark, so he separated the keys to meet my needs days ahead. Just like with everything with my mom.
If you had told me I would have to live without my mom, I would have FREAKED, but God prepared me. Two weeks before she passed all I said was, "God don't make me bitter" and I knew that this was God's will and I was going to have to trust Him. He gave me a peace, and the Holy Spirit gave me the ability not to be angry with God. There is a lot more to this story, and I am trying to sort it all out and someday soon I am going to share it with everyone. I want people to learn from my story that we can trust God, b/c for the past two years I fought it harder than anyone else in the world. I hope you are all enjoying this Christmas season, it is a special time of year, I want to soak it all up!
Prayer needs:
1. Tomorrow (the 15th) marks a month that my mom passed. Pray for peace, and pray that the sadness that is to come, comes and goes quickly. I sometimes want to call her and hear her voice more than anything.
2. The weather cooperates and does not mess with Andrew's birthday!
3. Peace for David and I this week, we have a lot facing us as a couple...some I cannot talk about right now.
Thanks for the prayers, I love you all so much and pray blessings upon you and your family!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Out of the mouths of babes
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dena Marie Bonner, my best friend
In the 60 short years she was here on this Earth she impacted hundreds of children's lives in the classroom, was married to the same man for 35 years, and was my best friend. When I was growing up I talked with her about everything, and that never changed. We talked everyday, sometimes several times a day, she advised me, encouraged me, loved me, and was my everything. In the past four years, she has also been the world's best Nan. I was her pride and joy...until my children came around, they were her life. The thing that hurt her the most leading up to her death was not being able to see them and love on them, but she is with them now, and forever. She was here when I got married, and when I had both of my children, two things that I wanted more than anything. And even though I will be alive longer without her than with her, I am at peace that this is the Lord's will and I trust Him that He knows best.
She LOVED life, loved everything and never let anything get her down, so b/c of that and b/c of the stregth that the Lord has given me, I will go on. I still cannot believe I won't get to talk with her on the phone, or she won't get to see Kaitlyn take her first steps or see Andrew go to K-4 in person and I am very sad. So ask for your prayers that when I get in the pit, I don't live in the pit, but just make a short trip. I ask for prayer for my dad as he goes on and begins to live life alone, and all that entails. I ask for prayer for Andrew who now knows that his Nan won't be here anymore, but that she is "playing with God in Heaven". Which when we talked to him about it, he goes momma I bet God is holding Nan's hand and making her feel better. I love you all so much and thank you for your friendship, for your love and for your prayers. I ask that you keep that up as I begin to adjust my life without the best mother and friend a girl could ever ask for.


Monday, November 10, 2008
Birthdays and Trick or Treating
Hope all is going well for you all! When you think of it, please pray for my mom, she is having some serious health problems again. We are all trusting God right now and know that He is soverign and in control. I am doing amazingly well, but all because of the peace of God that does truly trancend all understanding. But, otherwise enjoy our pics of our family and I will keep you updated.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Our fun trip!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Misc. stuff!
Then our friends Carri, Brecken, Sawyer and Harper came over. We love to see them anytime we get since they live in Edmond. The boys and younger girls are only months apart, so it makes for a fun, fun, fun time!

The girls: Harper 6 months Kaitlyn 4 months
Here are the brother's and sister's. My little one was not very happy at this point! :)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Girl!

My guy!

Andrew also loves music! He loves to sing, play instruments--especially the guitar! His new favorite is Guitar Hero! He also will turn anything into a drum! Here are some pics of his musical abilities!
He has a Pull-Up on! Makes me think of Risky Business!
Andrew also loves to color and draw and paint! He does really well for his age and I love to see him color and draw!
Something to update everyone on, he is now going on the potty! I seriously thought I would send him to college in diapers, but he is doing so well and has been dry for a week now and got a special prize! YEAH!!! What a huge step! A really funny story happend the other day. It was during the DNC and my mom was over while David was gone, so Andrew wanted to lay down in my bed with Nan. The only thing on was the DNC when Hillary was talking, so she had it on not thinking he was watching it, but he was. She said, "...and I want your children to look up at you and you are able to tell them, you can be anything you want to be...", and all of a sudden my mom heard Andrew say, "I want to be a cowboy!" We laughed and laughed! This week though when he saw John McCain on TV, he turned to David and said, I like this guy, he is nice! See what I mean...he is going on 30!!
I also wanted to share with you some pics he took. I was sick in bed this week and these are some pics he took, so here is our life from his point of view! Hope you enjoyed my little guy, we sure do, we love him and think he is so special!