What has happened since the last time I posted?? Oh yeah,
WE FOUND OUT WE ARE PREGNANT!! We are due in April and so very excited. Just like with Andrew, but twice as bad, I have been nauseous and
tired! I am working on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our Weekday Preschool at church where Andrew goes, so those days I come and CRASH. Other days I am still tired and so sick. I don't actually get physically sick, but I feel bad. But with all of that said, I cannot be more thrilled. I love being pregnant (2nd and 3rd trimester) and we are so blessed that God has given us this little gift. We have been to the doctor twice and have seen the baby (got pictures today :)) and everything looks good. I could listen to the heartbeat all day! Also, my mom went to the doctor and doing well, her blood is good and she has gained nine pounds! So God is so good. I would ask for prayer to fight anxiousness and fear. God doesn't want to us to have an spirit of fear, but be strong and courageous and know that He is with us (combining two verses there!). Thanks for the prayers, and I can't wait to keep you updated on our new arrival. I will be posting some pictures of Andrew's first day and some other fun shots, so be patient and I will back to my old blogging self! Love you all!