A word from God's Word

Monday, January 29, 2007

Patience, Patince, Patience

These are the three little words that are going through my mind right now that I am dealing with my two-year-old! Ever feel like you are being ignored? Well that is all my little darling is doing. So I take a deep breath, and remember how much I love him and how much discipline is training more than it is punishment. I am also being patient with myself as I try to get my house in order and out of "CHOAS" (Can't have anyone over syndrome). I want it all to be perfect right now, but I have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and it took God seven days to create the world, so I need to be patient as everything is coming together in my home. Isn't it funny how God teaches us everyday matters through medial chores or times with our loved ones? I hope everyone is doing well and remember have patience...even when it hurts!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Trust, the five letter word that is so hard!

God is really teaching me trust right now, trust that He is going to take good care of me and my family. It is so hard and so scary, but so worth in the long run. It does give you the peace of mind that does "transcend all understanding". For example, He told me he was going to take care of my mom, and so far everything is coming out fine. She is tired and sore...but God is meeting us every step of the way (things are pointing to rhemotoid arthritis). I thought I had lost my jump drive that has church, work and personal items on it, so I prayed about it and God gave me peace that He was going to protect it. But did I trust Him, no, I stayed up and worried about it! I called work this morning and it had been fine. Of course it was, God is going to take care of me! Now, if I had believed that and trusted Him, I wouldn't have spent all that time worrying!
Isn't God amazing that He loves us and keeps taking care of us even when we are stubborn and hard-headed?

It's just like the song we used to sing at school: "What A Mighty God We Serve!"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Start of Something New

Hello all! This is something new I wanted to try! Please come by at anytime and check out new posts and pics at anytime! Here is a picture of Andrew at his second birthday! Love to you all!

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